Welcome to 1 Ivy!
Dream Big, Dare to Fail
Welcome to the Class Page for 1 Ivy.
We hope that you find the information on this page useful. If you have any further questions please speak to a member of the Year 1 Team
Our Class name is:
Here you will find out what we will be learning each half term, the staff, useful dates and links to support learning at home.
The Class Teacher in 1 Ivy is:
Miss Hope
The Class Teacher is also supported by:
Mrs Saloo Miss Crawshaw Miss Watson
Important Information
Click the link below to view the Ivy Timetable :
PE will be on a Tuesday (indoor) and a Thursday (outdoor)
On this day, children can come to school in their PE kits for the whole day.
Please ensure your children has the following PE kit -
- Plain White round neck t-shirt or the Orchard logo PE kit
- Plain Black PE shorts
- Plain Black tracksuit bottoms
- Trainers
On PE days, children need to pack a spare jumper/ hoody for colder days or in case the weather becomes colder throughout the day.
White PE T-shirts with the Orchard Logo are available to order from: https://www.sptuniforms.co.uk/product-category/orchard-primary-academy/
Ivy Library day is: Thursday
The children will be able to select a book to bring home and share every other week. Please ensure that this book comes back into school on the following Wednesday, to swap for another.
The children in 1 Ivy class will also receive a new home reading book weekly. We suggest reading a few pages each night. Parents need to record home reading on our digital reading record - Boom Reader.
Click on the Boom Reader logo below to take you to the parents log in page
Key Dates
Monday 6th of January- First day back of spring 1
Friday 7th February - NSPCC number day
Friday the 14th of February- Last day
Monday 24th of February- First day back of Spring 2
Wednesday 12th of February- Stay and learn
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Friday 14th of February- Spring 2 last day
This half term we will be learning ...
Our Topic this half term is called:
'Heros and Villans'
- To be able to name and describe past super heros such as Florence Nightingale
- To be able to recognise heros within their local community
- To be able to describe settings using their 5 senses
- Identify and label basic parts of the body
- To know different factors that support health and wellbeing such as brushing your teeth
We use a teaching programme called Read Write Inc. (RWI) to teach our children to read and spell. In RWI lessons, the children are taught new sounds and these progress from set 1 - 3.
In Year 1, children continue to learn set 2 sounds, consolidate set 1 sounds and progress onto set 3 sounds.
Children learn to read words by sound-blending using a frog called Fred. Fred says the sounds and children help him blend the sounds to read each word. Children also learn to read red words on sight. Red words are words that cannot be segmented or blended.
Here is a link to help support the teaching of Phonics at home-
Nursery Rhyme Focus
At Orchard Primary Academy, we learn a range of Nursery Rhymes throughout our time in the Early Years. Nursery Rhymes are important as they help us to develop key skills. This includes:
- Learning new words and extending our vocabulary
- Learning early Maths skills such as counting aloud using finger movements and actions
- Developing social skills such as turn taking
- Learning different beats and rhythms
- Develop positive relationships between children and adults.
This half term we will be focusing upon learning these Nursery Rhymes:
This Term we will cover the stories: Life savers, Cops and robbers and Supertato.
In Yr1 will be writing a Non-chronological report, character descriptions, continuation of the story and a fact file. We will be focusing on the following key writing skills: Using capital letters, full stops, question marks, finger spaces, writing red words, handwriting and using Phonics in our writing. .
During this half term we will use the FANTASTIC's Lenses to describe and order Plot Points by reading the following books below, we will also start to chot words and begin to write dictated sentences using their phonics knowledge.
At Orchard Primary Academy we follow the NCETM Mastery Mathematics Approach. During the Spring 1half term we will focusing on the following Maths skills:
- Counting to 10 and beyond.
- Reading numerals and creating a set to match.
- Looking at the composition of 5 and the pairs of numbers that add up to 5.
- Beginning to look at number bonds to 10.
- Counting sets and recording a numeral to match.
Year 1-
In our Maths lessons we will be continuing with the unit 'Place Value within 20', 'Addition and Subtraction within 20', before moving onto the unit ''Place Value to 50".
Here are some ideas to support your child with Maths at home -
- Counting anything! (Apples, cars, trees, etc). Encourage children to count things wherever they are. Give them counting tasks such as at the supermarket, putting 3 tins of beans in the trolley.
- Playing number names with cards, board games and dominos.
- Let children sort the washing, matching and counting pairs of socks is a great way to practice odd and even numbers.
- Find different shapes around the house. Encourage your child to name and describe the shape.
Here is a link to a website that will help to support the teaching of maths at home-
Religious Education
Our key questions for RE are
'How do people celebrate special times?'
We have a weekly my happy mind lesson to help us talk about our emotions and to learn mindfulness.
This half term our topic is 'Appreciate'
This half term we will be focusing on -
'Ball skills and Gymnastic apparatus'
Links to try at home
Here are websites which you can use at home to support your child's learning.Read Write Inc. Guide for Parents
Parental Partnerships
At Orchard Primary Academy we value parental partnership. We understand that an effective partnership between school and home will have a positive impact on children’s learning.
We communicate with parents in various ways which include Parent Mail, Twitter, Facebook and Tapestry.
Parent Mail
Parent Mail is an app which allows us to send text messages, and letters to share information. You can also use this to pay for milk, trips and dinners. We will use your email address to activate your account.
The Academy Facebook page can be accessed by following the link below:
At Orchard Primary Academy, we use an online journal provider called ‘Tapestry’ to collect and store your child’s electronic ‘Learning Journey’.
Tapestry allows you to login with a secure username and password so that you can view photographs, videos and observations of your child’s learning.
You can like and comment on observations that we add for your child. You can also add your own observations. Please click the image below to access Tapestry: