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Orchard Primary Academy

2 Willow

Welcome to 2 Willow Class!

Hi everyone! Welcome to the class page for 2 Willow. 

Here you will find all the important information you need about our school day and you can also take a look at some of the amazing things we are learning about!

In our class we are always respectful, aspirational and resilient. 



    In 2 Willow we are taught by Miss George and Mrs Rothery. 

Important Information

  Have a look at our weekly timetable.      


 P.E. will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday.

On P.E. days we need to come to school in our P.E. kits. 

Please make sure all items are clearly labelled with the children's names on.



In 2 Willow we love to find treasure in a good book!

Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday and need to be returned the following Tuesday. Homework is a key part of our learning so this will be sent out on a Friday and will need to be returned on a Wednesday.

You should log your reading on Boom Reader so your teacher can see your reading and reward you for it. 


Key Dates


This half term we will be learning ....



 In English, we will be reading 'Emma Jane's Aeroplane' by Katie Haworth. 

 'Emma Jane zooms off in her aeroplane around the cities of the world.  Along the way she makes a crew of animal friends who save the day when the little plane gets into trouble.' 


Guided Reading

As part of our English curriculum we will practise Guided Reading or phonics every day.  This half term we will be reading the book, 'Benji's Emerald King' by Ewa Jozefkowicz. 


 The gang discover the Emerald King, the most ancient tree in the forest, and solve it's mystery. 



We use a teaching programme called Read Write Inc. (RWI) to teach our children to read and spell.  Our friend Fred will be helping us to learn lots of new sounds. He is a frog who can only speak in sounds, and we call this Fred Talk.  Fred helps the children blend sounds to read each word. Children also learn to read red words on sight. Red words are words that cannot be segmented or blended.



  In maths we will be focusing on addition and subtraction. 

We will practise finding 10 more and 10 less and work on becoming fluent using number bonds to 100.  We will begin to add and subtract two 2-digit numbers and use our knowledge to solve missing number problems. 

We will also continue to practise counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10. 


Our Science topic this half term is 'Animals including Humans'.

In this unit we will look at animal young and compare them to their adults. We will look at how animals change as they grow up and study the life cycles of different animals including humans. We will learn the three basic needs for survival, (food, water, air) and think about healthy lifestyles, including the importance of exercise, healthy eating and hygiene.



History and Geography 

Our topic this half term is 'Explorers' 

In history we will learn about two famous explorers - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong.  We will describe the events of the first moon landing and design and build our own rockets. 

In geography, we will identify the 7 continents, 5 oceans, the equator and Northern and Southern Hemispheres.  We will construct maps and look at food from around the world. 




This half term our PE lessons will be on a  Tuesday (Indoor) and Wednesday (Outdoor). Our unit this half-term will be Athletics and Agility. 



This half-term we will be exploring the theme of 'Prayer'. We will look at key stories such as 'Daniel in the lion's den' to explore the key question of 'How and why do people pray?'.




 During this half term we will be looking at a new scheme of learning called 'My Happy Mind'. We will explore themes such as safety, relationships and respect.



This half term our theme will be - Myths and Legends

We will be learning how to apply music to traditional myths and legends.


Author Focus

 Every half term, we will have an author focus. We will learn about lots of different authors and their writing style.

Our author focus for this half-term is Enid Blyton

Enid Mary Blyton was an English children's writer, whose books have been worldwide bestsellers since the 1930s, selling more than 600 million copies. Her books are still enormously popular and have been translated into ninety languages. As of June 2019, Blyton held 4th place for the most translated author.

        Links to try at home


Topmarks is full of Maths games to support further learning at home.

Read, Write, Inc is our phonics scheme and here is guidance for parents.

read, write, inc guide for parents

Phonics Play will support identifying sounds and segmenting/blending them to support the children with their reading. 

Oxford owl has lots of free reading books so that your children can read you a story.

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