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Orchard Primary Academy

4 Pine

Welcome to 4 Pine!

 Welcome to the class page for 4 Pine. 

This page will give you an insight into the fun and exciting things we are currently learning about. 

In 4 Pine we are ready, respectful and safe.

We also make sure that we stick to our school Motto of 'Dream Big and Dare to Fail'. We do this by showing how resilient we are and proving to everyone in school that we won't give up no matter how hard work gets.

If you have any questions or queries, please speak to Mr Miles or Miss Best at the beginning or end of the school day. 


In 4 Pine you will find Mr. Miles and Miss Best. 

Thursday afternoons are taught by Mrs Rothery.

Important Information

Our P.E days are Thursday, please make sure you send your child to school with the correct PE kit. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled with the children's names on.

It is important to keep hydrated throughout the school day so we have a bottle of fresh water in the classroom with our names on.  We have water fountains in school to refill these when needed.

We follow a weekly timetable until the last week of each half term where we block complete certain subjects such as MFL,  Art and DT and Computing.  We also complete picture news and online safety toolboxes weekly.

In 4 Pine we take home library books that can be changed bi-weekly and any reading at home can be logged on Boom reader (see link below).


Key dates

11.06.24 - Parent stay and learn - foundation curriculum

24.06.24 INSET Day

27.06.24 KS2 Sports Day afternoon

01.07.24 Transition morning

04.07.24 End of Year Reports

05.07.24 Takeover Day

09.07.24 Showcase Assembly

This half term we will be learning ...


As part of our English, we take part in daily Guided Reading and Writing lessons. This half-term, in Guided Reading, we will be reading 'Anglo-Saxon Boy' by Tony Bradman.

In Writing, we will be working on writing our own stories focussing on the book 'The Adventures of Robin Hood' by Marcia Williams and writing a speech.  



In Maths, this half-term, we will be working on money, time and shape.  Within these units, we will work on improving our reasoning and problem-solving skills.   


To help with our Maths, we will also have a huge push on our Times Tables. We will learn and practise our Times Tables using a Rekenrek and Times Table Rockstars!


Our Science topic for Summer 2 is 'Living Things and Their Habitats'. In this topic, we will be learning about food chains, animals and their habitats.


This half-term we will be learning History. Our History topic will be 'Anglo-Saxons'. In this topic we will look at who the Anglo-Saxons were and how Britain was ruled during this time.


Over this half-term, we will be learning about using light and dark with paint.


Religious Education

Our work in R.E this half-term will be focused on the religion Sikhism.  We will be using Egburt, our class R.E owl, to help us evaluate and learn about the key question 'Why are Gurus at the heart of Sikh belief and practice?'.

PSHE (Jigsaw)/Happy Confident Me

We are learning through Happy Confident Me, this is a journey through 10 Powers that will help children better know and understand themselves and others, and build an internal toolkit that will set them up for life. Our Jigsaw unit this half term will be 'Changing me'. We will be using Jigsaw Jaz to help us understand how to make safe and healthy choices.


This half term we will be continuing our lessons in Samba!

Author Focus

Our author focus this half term is Marcia Williams. She  is a highly successful, prize-winning author and illustrator who has published over thirty books in her distinctive, entertaining and accessible comic-strip style. Her many awards include UKLA Children’s Book Award and The English 4-11 Picture Book Award. Her books are extremely popular in schools for their humorous and approachable way of introducing the classics to a young age group. She is also a much sought-after panellist at literary festivals and educational conferences. Her titles include: Archie’s WarFlossie’s Secret War DiaryMr William Shakespeare’s PlaysBravoMr William ShakespeareGreek Myths; The Stone Age, Hunters, Gatherers and Woolly Mammoths and Three Cheers for Women! 


Links to try at home

 Top Marks - Maths Games

Free Online Reading Books

Google Earth - Topic Focus

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