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Orchard Primary Academy

5 Sycamore

Welcome to 5 Sycamore

10.01.25 Snow day home learning activities

Good morning 5 Sycamore. 

Please complete the work set below.

Anything you do complete please do ask parents/carers to take pictures and upload to our school facebook page as I'd love to see what you complete! @OrchardPrimaryAcademy

Please try practise your times tables as we move onto our fractions unit this half term.

Here is the link to TT Rockstars to practise your times tables! I have set a challenge with between boys and girls in our class!! Let's battle!

TT Rockstars link

I have also set some LBQ activities for you to have a go at!

Available Tasks

Code: vqmr


Please watch the following videos below on squared and cube numbers, then have a go at the attached work sheet.

Squared Numbers Lesson Video

Cubed Numbers Lesson Video

Square and Cubed Number Worksheet

SPaG Task -

SPAG task

Recap collective and partitive nouns and complete the worksheets.

Watch the video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxj4410EMGU

Guided Reading:

Have a read through the text about The Tudors (our new topic for this half term!) then have a go at completing the comprehension questions.

Tudor Time Traveller Comprehension

Writing task -

 I would love to know what you have done in your half term! Today can you please write about your favourite memory or favourite thing you have done over the half term so I can read it when we are back to school. Don't forget your capital letters and full stops! Could you challenge yourself and add a compund or complex sentences, or even speech?



Silently, a group of orphans sleep in an orphanage.
Quietly, the window shutters open and in crawls a mysterious creature.  
He doesn't look too friendly at first but we soon see what his plan is.

This is the Dreamgiver and by cracking his dream eggs he makes sure the childrens' nights are pleasurable.  He creates the dreams by cracking the eggs onto stories, posters and ballet shoes. But what will happen if an egg is accidentally spilt on something not so nice?   Well that is what happens.....

A 'dream egg' is knocked off the bed and onto a 'shadow serpent,'  this is surely going to turn into a nightmare for one of the unlucky children.  

Watch the following video clip https://vimeo.com/36833415 and then have a go at writing at writing a setting description.

There is a word bank linked bellow to help you and some extra activities. 

Dream Giving Activities and Word Bank

For our topic this half term we are learning all about Henry VIII.

ART - Can you research and use some form of art (be creative as you wish) to draw Henry VIII.  You could colour, stick and draw! The best ones will be placed on our topic working wall!

Can you maybe research him and write down at least 5 facts about him ready for our return to school?

Think about -

- Who he is

- Where he lived

- Who were his wives?

- Why is he still remembered today?

- What period in history did he come from?


I have attached an example of our 'Snow day challenges'. The first one being an acrostic poem. You can do this on any piece of paper you may have and design it how you wish, the more creative the better! Here is an example of one below.

For your next challenge could you maybe go on a 'snow day scavenger hunt' with your parents/carers and send us a photo of how many of these items on the list you can find? 


Seasonal project.

Task- Get creative and make a 'potato character' to represent a character from your favourite book.  You could add more by using an old box to create a scene around your character. We would like to display these in school ready for our World Book Day celebrations.

Some ideas are pictured below - 




Welcome to 5 Sycamore's Home Page, here you will find lot's of useful information that you may need.

In Year 5, We incorporate Orchard's three curriculum drivers into everything we do.

Respect, Responsibility and Aspiration.

This year we will constantly 'Dream Big and Dare to Fail'. We will always try our best and understand that each and every one of us is amazing and unique in our special way!


 This year the staff in 5 Sycamore will be:

Teacher - Miss Carter. In the mornings, we will also be supported by Mrs Anderson. We also have Miss Taylor, a student teacher training with us. Miss Cherryholme will be teaching in our class on a Wednesday morning while Miss Carter has PPA.



Important Information


5 Sycamore have PE on a Monday and Friday Monday we will have outdoor P.E. and Tuesday indoor P.E. On P.E. days we will need to come to school in our P.E. kits and we stay in them for the day. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled with the children's names on.

This half term our focus is football

It is important to keep hydrated throughout the school day so we have a bottle of fresh water in the classroom with our names on.  We have water fountains in school to refill these when needed.


We follow a weekly timetable where we also complete picture news and online safety toolboxes.

New spelling rules are also focused on every week, completing a range of activities on a daily basis to help with our learning of new spellings.

In 5 Sycamore, we LOVE to read! We need to take our library books home with us to read, in which we swap on a 2 weekly basis where we visit the library and choose our own choice of book.  We will read everyday for at least half an hour in school and should try to read to ourselves; adults or to our siblings at least three times a week at home. 

Key Dates 

 On Monday and Tuesday we will have PE - so please ensure that you come in your PE Kit and a spare pair of pumps or trainers if you prefer not to be bare footed if we are in the hall due to weather.

07.02.25 NSPCC Number day

Monday 5th May 2025 - Bank holiday


This half term we will be learning ...


This half term we will be beginning our writing a fiction piece of work based on the text,'The Queen's token' for our sentence stacking lessons to apply our learning in our independent write based on our writing the continuation of the story. Throughout the rest of the half term, we will be using the information based on Henry VIII to support us to write a biography and debate.


In guided reading we will be using the fiction text, 'The secret diary of  Thomas Snoop and Treason' and also a range non fictional texts to support our curriculum that link to other subjects such as science, PSHE, history and geography. 




In 5 Sycamore we take home library books that can be changed bi-weekly and any reading at home can be logged on Boom reader (see link below)

Boom reader


 Maths this half term we are focusing on our unit of fractions. We will look at adding, subtracting, and multiplying fractions. We will learn new knowledge and apply prior knowledge to help us with our learning.


Topic - Science, Geography, History.

We have changed the way we teach our Foundation Curriculum and now we will teach lessons such as History, Geography, Art and DT through an umbrella topic. This term's topic in Year 5 is 'The Tudors'. We will continue to teach History, Geography,  Art and DT separately but they will follow a theme where possible.

 We will learn all about the Tudors, their settlements, and monarchs such as Henry VIII and his six wives. All our learning will link throughout the term nicely to our reading and writing units too.


Design technology and art

This term we are completing our DT. piece of work, designing and making our very own tudor gowns. For art we will look at sketching tudor houses and comparing them to modern day buildings.


Religious Education

In RE, we will be looking at the theme of 'Hinduism'. We will focus on the key question of, 'What do Hindus believe about God?' 

PSHE - My Happy Mind

Our PSHE lessons involves using a new scheme, My Happy Mind. 

My Happy Mind teaches children about looking after their mental health and wellbeing by teaching them through 5 key areas:

- Meet Your Brain

- Celebrate

- Appreciate

- Relate

- Engage



 This half term the children will be having weekly samba lessons on a Friday afternoon.



Our seasonal project this half term is - 

To get creative and make a ‘potato character’ to represent a character from your favourite book. You could add more by using an old box to create a scene around your character. We would like to display these in school for our World Book Day celebrations.

Some ideas are pictured below:

Please return your creations to school on Friday 28th February, so that we can display them for World Book Day on March 6th.

Author Focus

Berlie Doherty is the author of the best-selling novel, Street Child, and over 60 more books for children, teenagers and adults, and has written many plays for radio, theatre and television. She has been translated into over twenty languages and has won many awards, including the Carnegie medal for both Granny Was a Buffer Girl and Dear Nobody, and the Writers’ Guild Award for both Daughter of the Sea and the theatre version of Dear Nobody. She has three children and seven grandchildren, and lives in the Derbyshire Peak District with Alan James Brown. Her new picture book The Seamaiden’s Odyssey, illustrated by Tamsin Rosewell, was published by UCLan on 12 September 2024.

Links to try at home



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