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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Orchard Primary Academy

Walnut CLass

Welcome to Walnut!

Welcome to the class page for our fantastic 'Walnut Class'

Walnut Class is a fantastic resource, built with opportunities in mind for those who need further support with their learning needs. It provides a place where children can feel safe and secure to explore their emotional and social wellbeing, learn about themselves, develop and grow.

Research shows that children’s learning is most effective when they have a sense of emotional wellbeing, good self-esteem and a feeling of belonging. This provision classroom provides children with this opportunity, helping to develop maturity and resilience. 



"Fairness is not giving everyone the same thing to succeed. Fairness is giving each person what  they need to succeed"




Miss Barker-Milner (SENco)                                 Mrs Kenworthy (HLTA)


Miss Farren (ETA)


Miss Sheridan (ETA)                      Mrs Mayat (ETA)                

Our Room

Our highly experienced staff have created amazing spaces where children have the opportunity to learn, develop and grow! We are fortunate enough to have two rooms; our provision space and our Learning Classroom. Children are able to work in small groups, pairs or individually and each room is filled with opportunity! 

Important Information

 Please make sure that all clothing, water bottles and packed lunches (if needed) are labelled with your child's name. This ensure that we do not loose any belongings.

What do we use in class, to support our children

Training and Links for Parents:

Locala Sensory Training Videos

Locala Sensory OT

Speech and Language Therapy

Toileting Support

Local Offer - Parent Section

This term we are learning: 

Maths - Length and Height ; Mass & Volume ; Money

Writing - Fiction: Poetry  Non-Fiction: Life Cycles 

Provision Areas- Shop (to support Money topic); Sensory Play - tapioca; construction; mark making; story space. 

Links to support your child's learning this term:

Counting Coins Game  KS1- Money Life Cycles