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At South Pennine Academies, we want every student to have the best possible chance to achieve in school.

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Orchard Primary Academy


Welcome to  Pre-School!


Dream Big, Dare to Fail 

Welcome to the Orchard Primary Academy Pre-school Class Page.

We hope that you find the information on this page useful. If you have any further questions please speak to a member of  Early Years Staff staff.

Our Class name is:



The Pre-School classroom can be found in the Orchard Primary Academy Early Years Building.





Mrs J Wood 

The Room Leader is also supported by


 Mrs Chunara

(Nursery Assistant)



 Miss Watson

(Nursery Assistant)


 Parental Partnerships 

 At Orchard Primary Academy we value parental partnership. We understand that an effective partnership between school and home will have a positive impact on children’s learning.

We communicate with parents in various ways which include Parent Mail, Twitter, Facebook and Tapestry.

Parent Mail 

Parent Mail is an app which allows us to send text messages, and letters to share information. You can also use this to pay for milk, trips and dinners. We will use your email address to activate your account.


Our Academy twitter account is also used to share information. The Academy twitter handle is: @OrchardPrimaryA

The Pre-School twitter handle is:


You can also access the Pre-School twitter feed by clicking the image below:


The Academy Facebook page can be accessed by following the link below:


At Orchard Primary Academy, we use an online journal provider called ‘Tapestry’ to collect and store your child’s electronic ‘Learning Journey’.

Tapestry allows you to login with a secure username and password so that you can view photographs, videos and observations of your child’s learning.

You can like and comment on observations that we add for your child. You can also add your own observations. Please click the image below to access Tapestry:


Key Date

 Monday 2nd September -Inset day

Tuesday 4th September - school opens

Friday 27th September - Respect Unity Afternoon

Friday 25th October - Last day of term

Monday 4th October- Trust Inset day

Tuesday 5th October- school opens for all children.


This half term we are learning.....

 Our Topic this half term is called:



 During this 'Topic' we will be focusing on the following -

Settling into the Acorn room and building new relationships with keyworkers and our peers.

Exploring our new environment 

Learning the class routines and expectations

Author/Book Focus

During our 'Topic' we will be sharing  the following books:






    Nursery Rhyme Focus

At Orchard Primary Academy, we learn a range of Nursery Rhymes throughout our time in the Early Years. Nursery Rhymes are important as they help us to develop key skills. This includes:

  • Learning new words and extending our vocabulary
  • Learning early Maths skills such as counting aloud using finger movements and actions
  • Developing social skills such as turn-taking
  • Learning different beats and rhythms
  • Develop positive relationships between children and adults.

This half term we will be focusing upon learning these Nursery Rhymes





Home Learning Menu   

 At Orchard Primary Academy Pre-School your child can take part in activities listed in our 'Home Learning Menu'. Each of the activities will earn your child points which can be exchanged for prizes. The Activities are divided into three categories:

  1. Wellbeing activities
  2. Reading, writing and maths activities
  3. Creative tasks

 These menus will not change and teachers have developed them for the rest of the school year.

If home learning tasks are completed, they will be marked/acknowledged by the teacher.

Click on the image below to open the Pre-School Home Learning Menu to view in further detail:

                                  STAY AND PLAY MORNINGS/AFTERNOONS                            

Fortnightly we invite parents to join us for nursery rhymes on a Thursday. 

           Mornings children  8.45 - 9.45  Afternoon children 12.15 - 1.00

Please ask your child's keyworker about the next session.

 Open morning






                 Christmas Open Morning              


                      Click on the NHS logo for toilet training tips

 Click on the link below for Speech and language development information and tips.


       Links to try at home




 Nursery Rhymes   CBeebies  Story Time at Home

Twitter Feed