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Orchard Primary Academy




At Orchard Primary Academy, we strive to provide all children with:

  • A curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
  • Knowledge about diverse places, diverse people and diverse Geographical environments.
  • Locations of major countries and cities around the world and have some idea of what life might be like there. 
  • The knowledge they need to become well-rounded citizens of the world and to inspire a sense of wanderlust so they can travel as far as they feel comfortable knowing that the world extends a lot further than the boundaries of their local area.


Please find below a document that outlines the coverage of our Geographical teaching, alongside the knowledge and skills that will be developed.

Click Here - Geography Coverage Document

In Key Stage 1 we start by focussing on our local area and then widen our geographical minds by looking at the United Kingdom. Our display in Key Stage 1 shows us the different areas of the United Kingdom that we study, where our favourite authors are from, any British Artists of the Week and Picture News stories that have happened in the UK.

In Key Stage 2 we widen our geographical minds either further by studying the different areas of the world. Our display shows us the different areas of the world that we are studying, all our Artists of the Week and Picture News stories that have happened around the world.


Throughout the teaching of Geography, we aim to inspire pupils' curiosity to learn and understand about the world, its people and their place in it. We equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, enable pupils to think critically, ask questions, competently use Geographical skills to gather information and to develop understanding, perspective and an awareness of their world. These are the Geographical topics that are covered throughout a pupil's time at Orchard Primary Academy:


Year Group Autumn Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 Summer Term 1 Summer Term 2


Our Local Area Our Local Area Britain Britain Coasts Coasts


Continents and Oceans Continents and Oceans 

The UK

 The UK

Hot and Cold Countries Weather and Climate


Earthquakes and Volcanoes Earthquakes and Volcanoes Europe Europe York York


Rivers and the Water Cycle

 Rivers and the Water Cycle

Biomes and The Rainforest Biomes and The Rainforest European Study of Greece European Study of Greece



Longitude and Latitude

Day/Night Longitude and Latitude Trade and Economic Activity Trade and Economic Activity Victorian Britain Victorian Britain


The Americas The Americas War in Europe War in Europe Our Future World Our Future World


As pupils progress through school they will develop their Geographical knowledge and skills under 4 headings. These are:

  • Geographical Enquiry
  • Physical Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Geographical Knowledge

At the start of each new topic, pupils will demonstrate their prior knowledge in their books, this will enable teachers to ensure they have the firm foundations to build upon. Children will be encouraged to reflect on the knowledge learnt throughout the topic and then their understanding will be visible in books at the end. Key vocabulary and prompts will be displayed in and out of the classroom environment, enabling children to absorb and reflect continuously, supporting long term knowledge development.  

Please find below a document that shows the progression of Geographical knowledge and skills:

Click Here - Geography Knowledge, Skills and Understanding Progression Document 

Personal Development

Children are encouraged throughout their geography learning to be responsible, respectful and active citizens, who will play their part in becoming actively involved in public life when they become adults.  Children are encouraged through most of their topics to think about Climate Change and the impact they themselves are having on this, and the role they can play in this in adulthood.

Throughout the study of different countries and faiths children will develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.

They will develop an understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures in the school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain, throughout fieldwork opportunities where they study the local area.

Geography in EYFS

Children begin their Geography Journey in EYFS, by beginning to look at and understanding the world around them. Children will be introduced to World Maps, Globes and smaller scale maps that focus around their provision areas. 

Geography in Key Stage 1

As children progress into Key Stage 1 they begin to look at where they fit into the world. We start small scale in their town, and by the end of Year 2 children are able to describe their location in the world. Children continue their map, atlas and globe work by locating the areas studied within their geography lesson. Children will create their own 'messy maps' based on their local area.


Geography in Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 children look at the world as a bigger picture. They begin to focus on the different aspects of the world such as climate zones, physical geography and human geography. Children become more independent when using atlases, maps and globes and can use these to find a variety of different places and landmarks.