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Orchard Primary Academy

Mental Health





At Orchard Primary Academy we believe that your child’s mental health and well being is just as important as their physical well being. We are committed to supporting Mental Health and Well being.

From September  2023 we have developed a Pastoral team  which includes our:

Pastoral  Manager Mrs Elliott

Learning Mentors; Mrs Hall, Mr Smith and Mr Fisher

Behaviour Support Assistants: Mrs Leeming and Mrs Gamble 

Through out the year  we highlight the importance of having  good physical and mental well being.  This  will be done through assemblies, PSHE lessons or in bespoke interventions with our pastoral team.


Talking to children about mental health is a good way to get them to understand their feelings and improve their own mental health. You can find hints and tips about talking to your child regarding their mental health in this leaflet. 

The Pastoral Team

If you are concerned about your child's mental health or well-being then you can speak to a member of our pastoral team. 


                 Miss Fisher                              Mrs Elliott                               Miss Barker Milner   

   Designated Safeguarding Lead and        Pastoral Manager                           SENDCO 

  Mental Health and Well-being Lead


                                Learning Mentors                       Behaviour Support


                      Mrs Hall                Mr Smith                  Mrs Leeming              Mrs Gamble


 You can also speak to any member of the Safeguarding Team


Academy Policies and Procedures

Mental Health and Well-being Policy 

Useful Links for Children



Useful Documents for Families



 Useful Documents for Staff