Orchard Nursery
To access our home learning please click on this link
Dream Big and Dare to Fail!
Welcome to the Orchard Primary Academy Nursery class page.
At Orchard Primary Academy Nursery we offer places for both 2 year old and 3-4 year old children.
We provide both 15 hours and 30 hours of childcare for those who qualify. More information about admissions to Nursery is available on our academy website under the 'Admissions Information' tab.
Pre-School: Acorn Class
Acorn Class is our Pre-School provision for children aged 2 years old.
Mrs Wood: Nursery Officer
Miss Chunara: Nursery Assistant
Mrs Kenworthy: Nursery Officer
Mrs Farren: Nursery Assistant
Nursery: Blossom Class
Blossom Class is our Nursery provision for children aged 3-5 years old
Mr Myers: EYFS Assistant Principal/Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Birkett: Nursery Class Teacher
Mrs Vokes: Nursery Officer (AM/PM)
Miss Ballard (AM/PM)
Mrs Blyth: Nursery Assistant (AM)
Mrs Kenworthy: Nursery Officer (PM)
Mrs Farren: Nursery Assistant (PM)
Respect Resilience Aspiration
Pre-School and Nursery Application
If you are interested in applying for a place for your child in either our Pre-School or Nursery, please complete a Nursery application form.
Application forms are available at the main school office as well as the Early Years building. An electronic version of the application form can also be found below.
Nursery Application Form Nursery Cover Letter
Once you have completed the application form please return it to the main school office. In order to complete your application, staff will also require a copy of your child's birth certificate and national insurance details. If you are applying for 2 year old free childcare or 30 hours free childcare we will also require a record of your funding code.
Once your application has been received you will be notified if a place has been allocated. A member of staff will then contact you to arrange a home visit. During the home visit, a member of staff will support you to complete the necessary admission forms and arrange your child's start date.
Opening Times and Hours
Morning Session
8:45am - 11:45am
Afternoon Session
12:20pm - 15:20pm
In Nursery, we learn in various ways including outdoors and taking part in messy activities. We would therefore like to encourage our Nursery children to wear school uniform.
School uniform can be purchased from the following retailer:
SMART Uniform
1-3 Cheapside Bradford Road
WF17 5ND
Please ensure that children wear appropriate footwear and a waterproof coat for Outdoor Learning.
Please label and name all items of clothing to avoid uniform being misplaced.
Curriculum: Spring 2
Our Topic this half term is 'Mighty Beasts'
During this topic we will be learning all about different types of animals including farm animals , wild animals and dinosaurs.
We will read the story of Handa's Surprise and name all of the wild animals that steal the fruit. We will also explore and describe the different fruits by touching, tasting and smelling! Which fruit is your favourite?
We will learn all about different animals which live on a farm by reading the story of Rosie's Walk. We will use positional language to describe the journey that Rosie takes.
We will describe the different dinosaurs that we can see in the story of 'Dinosaur Roar'.
Parents as Partners
At Orchard Primary Nursery we value the partnerships that we have with parents and offer many opportunities to make links between home and school.
In Nursery, we offer an open door policy in which we encourage parents to stay for the first 25 minutes of each session to support their children in play. Throughout the week, we focus on aspects such as reading and writing.
Writing and Physical Development Focus
Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings
Reading Focus
Tuesday and Thursday
Tapestry and Home Learning
At Orchard Primary Academy, we use an online journal provider called ‘Tapestry’ to collect and store your child’s electronic ‘Learning Journey’.
Tapestry allows you as a parent to login with a secure username and password so that you can view all your children’s observations, photographs and videos. You can like and comment on observations that we add for your child.
Home Learning Menu
We would like to ask parents who complete a task from the Home learning Menu to upload pictures and their comments directly to Tapestry.
Links to try at home
Books we are focusing on this half term:
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