At Orchard Primary Academy we aim to provide a high quality PSHE education which will put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships and providing essential understanding of how to be healthy.
We aim for our PSHE teaching to support the wider work of the school in supporting children’s mental wellbeing and compliment our curriculum drivers in developing respect, resilience and aspirations.
We understand the PSHE curriculum at Orchard is fundamental in supporting pupils to be happy, successful and productive members of society. We believe that our approach to teaching PSHE will enable children to really know and value who they truly are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.
Through the teaching of PSHE we aim to develop children’s resilience, to enable them to know when and how to ask for help and to develop their capacity to make sound decisions.
We deliver our PSHE through the wider school and curriculum drivers of Respect, Resilience and Aspiration, and through direct PSHE lessons.
For our direct lessons we use the My Happy Mind curriculum. My Happy Mind is a science-backed programme for schools, which is grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive wellbeing.
It’s taught to every single child and there’s a curriculum for every year group from Early Years to Year 6.
RSE and Health Education Statutory Guidance
The impact of the PSHE Curriculum at Orchard Primary Academy can be measured in relation to pupils attitudes and behaviours including their engagement and preparedness for future life experiences.
At Orchard Primary Academy we strive to ensure that our pupils have the key life skills needed to prepare for and succeed in their adult life
Evidence of our PSHE lessons are celebrated through class Twitter pages and in addition some aspects may be recorded in books, especially in KS2. At Orchard Primary Academy, we recognise the importance of pupil voice and so regular monitoring is carried out through purposeful interactions with children to check their understanding of key concepts.
Click here to check out what we have been up to on our Twitter pages!
Personal Development
Our Curriculum enables children to reflect upon their place within society in order to develop the key personal, social and emotional skills to become responsible citizens. Fundamental British values are interwoven throughout the curriculum including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.