
At Orchard, we expect all pupils to wear:
- Bottle green round neck sweatshirt with or without the Orchard school logo
- Bottle green school cardigan with or without the Orchard school logo
- Plain white polo shirt
- Grey smart school trousers
- Grey skirt - suitable length (below the knee)
- Gingham dress
- Grey or natural coloured tights
- Plain white or grey socks
- Plain black school shoes - No heels, long boots or sandals
- Plain black trainers - No logos
Our Year 6 children should all wear:
- Bottle green v-neck sweatshirt with or without the Orchard school logo.
- White shirt
- Tie
School Uniform Suppliers
SPT Uniforms
Address: https://www.sptuniforms.co.uk/product-category/orchard-primary-academy/
Telephone: 0113 245 9959
Email: enquiries@sptuniforms.co.uk |
Address: 18a Crackenedge Lane Dewsbury WF13 1PU
Telephone: 01924 465510
Email: info@rawcliffes.couk |
PE Kits
- Pumps (indoor) and trainers (outdoor)
- Plain white round neck tee-shirt or polo top
- Plain black PE shorts
- Plain black joggers/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
- Black hoody - A school jumper must be worn if they do not have a black hoody)
Children also have the option to wear the Orchard Primary Academy branded PE kits. These can be ordered from;
Book Bags
These can be ordered directly from school via ParentMail.
Hair accessories should be plain and inline with school colours. Long hair should be tied up when in school where possible. Long hair should also be tied up for PE lessons.
No jewellery should be worn.
Discreet plain earrings (studs) may be worn with no more than one per ear. Children may wear a watch. All jewellery must be able to be removed for sporting/physical activities for Health and Safety reasons.
Swimming Kit (Only needed for those children that go swimming)
- Trunks or lycra shorts (NOT Bermuda/gym/football shorts)
- A one-piece swimming costume (No bikinis/tankinis)
- No jewellery to be worn for swimming.